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Some times we need to take things under control

That is what A Fire Spell Does


Because fire burns away stubborn negativity, and selfish attitudes, that holds love away, and keeps us in depression, poverty, loneliness, and away from loving and being loved in return

It is said that most relationships out there are not true relationship, its one sided. They  are either with people that don’t truly love them, or people that just can’t connect because the other person may be on a spiritual, mental, or physical level.


This being the case you never experience the true love, romance, or intimacy on a mental, spiritual, or physical level that you deserve. Love can be unconditional and without hesitations. You can have the person you love and with all these positive attributes that you need in order to make the relationship flourish beautifully. For most folks, love is the foundation of their stability and security. And when it suffers, every other aspect of their life will suffer and diminish just the same.


The  Boat Love or Love Egg Spell includes every single aspects of the problematic issues of your situation, at the same time causing your loved one to be overjoyed with feelings of true love, passion, and heart filled desire for you. Sometimes, for one reason or another, we all tend to shun love.

It works on your loved one by getting rid of the barriers that holds them back. These can be things such as doubt, insecurities, being hurt in past relationships, mistrust, interferences and negative influences, or any kind of negative attribute that a person may posses that is holding them back from their true potential.

Just as important as two people being able to love one another is the fact of people around them accepting their relationship. This spell will deal with those who are negative and make them positive influences for your relationship through positive means.

I write up each spell by have, drawing each sigil by hand, dressing, every image, candle, and offerings myself on the client’s behalf

Every wish is carefully incorporated into the writing up of the spells and care is taken for I have to be in the right frame of mind to cast your Spells.

I work with the Solomonic Goetia to fulfill your heart’s desires, so rest assured just Solomon was blessed, so you too, deserve your heart’s desires.
